Custom Pcs

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We build custom computers to your budget, we won’t blind you with the science (unless you want us to? We won’t push the numbers at you like bigger I.T firms. Bigger numbers don’t mean better computers.

We recommend what’s best for your money, not just what has the most profit!
Our standard computers come with all what’s really necessary not bogged down with extra bloatware/software that you won’t need or use, meaning you’ll get the best performance and value for money.

We build office computers for businesses with whatever operating system works best for you Windows 7 8 10 whatever you choose.
High end gaming rigs or even budget gaming rigs. Give us a budget and we’ll make the best system your money can buy. We
even build unusual custom PCs providing there’s enough space.

For example, have you ever wanted a computer to be in disguise as something more unique? Recently we had a request to build a computer into an old Nintendo games console (NES) for the retro look.

So providing your object is not smaller than the average shoe box. We can build something very special for you. Just imagine a computer made into a old toy or piece of furniture…. the possibilities are endless so go on give us a challenge.
It could be the perfect present for someone who appreciates technology to be more than just a box.